Friday, February 19, 2010

The Illegal Raid on the CAID

This is what happened:

Shortly before the illegal raid Kim Worthy filed charges against the Mayor of Detroit (A case like this would be expensive. Remember this when you continue reading.)

Police enter a member’s only event without a search warrant, violating the civil rights of the nonprofit host and its members.

During the raid while guns were drawn on members laying face down on the mud outside and the gallery floor inside police repeatedly said "This is for Kwame." "This comes right down from Kwayme's office." "Kwame ordered this." It was later discovered that the Lieutenant in charge of the raid and her cronies (not all the police, just the ones who convinced the suburbanite victims that they were ordered by Kwame) all hated Kwame. The $40,000 + that was received from the impound fees went to Kim Worthy’s office. That is a nice way to finance a case against Kwame. Talk about inside corrupt political maneuvering. And they not only were able to help finance the lawsuit against a mayor they wanted removed from office, they also financed it with suburban funds. The bonus was they could shake up and strike fear into these suburbanites and die hard Detroiters who they didn’t want to be in “their” city anyways. It is important to note that the Lieutenant who conducted the raid is white, so it wasn’t a race issue, as much as it was a political control issue. Detroit has been run by corrupt police and politicians ever since they won their rebellion against the old corrupt regime. A movement of artists, architects, young business owners, farmers and others from the suburbs and other parts of the country threatens the control they have maintained for over 30 years.

Most of the members at this event came to Detroit because they saw hope and an exciting city filled with a rich history and many possibilities. Some even came against their parents and grandparents wishes. (The 67 rebellion caused physical and emotional damage that continues to permeate the city and the suburbs today.)

A volunteer of the CAID asked the Lieutenant (after he was released from being in handcuffs for over 5 hours simply because he demanded to see a search warrant) why she was towing everyone’s cars. Her answer was “because we don’t want them to ever come back here again.” The volunteer took that to mean Detroit and it worked. Some of the members commented later that they were considering moving down to Detroit but changed their minds after the illegal raid. Keep in mind that this illegal raid in 2008 took place only a few blocks down from the raid on another private party in 1967. After the 2008 raid youth who had defied their parents’ wishes and wanted to smash over 30 years of fear and prejudices were now sitting on the curb of a dark street at 4 in the morning waiting for a ride home to the suburbs, many waiting on their parents. (Is there another more creative rebellion surfacing? Will artists, community leaders, urban farmers, neighborhoods, seniors and the youth stand up against the old regime and return this city back to its people?)